Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tree of Life

So as I'm reading my daily devotions I find that the devotion I'm reading today is something I really needed to read! It was based on the words we use & keeping a uplifting, positive & encouraging mindset to them. Personally, I have trouble keeping encouraging & kind words towards my siblings. Yes I love them to death & would die for anyone of them but sometimes we tend to say meaner things to the ones we love the most when they do things that make us upset. The Bible has a lot to say about both wicked words & kind. Our tongues can be one of the most piercing weapons we have. What we say to others effect how people see us & our personalities. That will say a lot about who we are.

Think about it. When you see someone cursing & bashing someone out with their tongue, what does that make you think of them? For me, it makes me think they have a short-temper & aren't very kind hearted. Take a look at this verse, "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:4) Did you read that?! The deceitful tongue CRUSHES the spirit. Can you believe that you have most likely crushed the spirit before? I can raise my hand & honestly say "I am guilty"
But Christians, don't worry! We can be forgiven! Our tongues can transform from crushing to a tree of life! And wouldn't that be marvelous!? Yes!

You need to be a cheerleader for your friends & family. Do they know you care? Can they feel you truly love them? If someone were to ask your friend &/or family who was their cheerleader in life, would your name be their answer? Or if someone were to see the way you spoke to someone, what image of you would really stick in their head? Your kind uplifting tongue or your crushing tongue?

Here's what the Bible has to say about the cheerleader person, "A cheerful heart is a good medicine" If you have that good attitude, it is stated as a MEDICINE in the Bible! Look up the word medicine in the dictionary & you'll see that medicine means, cure or something that helps someone. And that's exactly what a cheerful attitude & tongue does! :)

When you pray remember to ask God to help you keep a positive mindset towards all things in life & that you will be slow to speak. And ask Him to help you become a cheerleader to people around you.

I hope you got a little something out of my first post on the new & improved blog! Can't wait to post more.
